Contraception and Sexual Health
When it comes to contraception and sexual health, it really pays to be properly informed about all of your options. Misinformation and fear are easily spread online, and what is true for your best friend will not necessarily be true for you. Sexual health can be a difficult area to talk about. We know you want to feel heard and not judged. We welcome LGBTQIA+ patients.
It’s worth bearing in mind that contraception is often necessary right up to menopause and after fertility treatment. Key things to consider include any medical conditions you may have (such as migraine or gynaecological problems), family history, future fertility plans and of course, personal preference.
Both existing patients and new patients can avail of Medicare rebates towards Telehealth consultations with the GPs providing medical services at Neighbourhood. These appointments are suitable for issues dealing with sexual and reproductive health concerns, including unplanned pregnancy, contraceptive advice, prescription of HIV PrEP and many other issues.
The doctors consulting at Neighbourhood Medical can talk you through the pros and cons (including effectiveness, side effects and costs) of contraception for all genders - everything from condoms, pills and implants to intrauterine devices.
Doctors providing services at Neighbourhood Medical are trained in the insertion and removal of the contraceptive implant and can provide general contraceptive advice and sexual health queries including STI screening. You can book an appointment with any of the following GPs for these issues:
Dr Mairaed Crawford, Dr Katie Franks, Dr Louisa Gilles, Dr Nikki Twomey, Dr Jo Hallinan or Dr Sarah McDonnell.
Dr Sarah McDonnell and Dr Louisa Gilles are both experienced in the insertion and removal of intrauterine (inside the womb) devices including Mirena and Kyleena. An assessment appointment is required prior to booking an insertion. This can be done in person or by video consultation. In certain circumstances, Mirena/ Kyleena assessment and insertion can be performed on the same day, Please contact reception for further information if you are interested in this option.
Sarah is comfortable managing the following sexual health issues, and can facilitate referral on as needed.
Assessment of libido issues for individuals and couples, with referral on to trained therapists as needed
Painful sex
Prescription of PrEP
Multiple GPs consulting at Neighbourhood are trained in provision of MTOP (medical termination pf pregnancy). Please refer to our doctors pages or phone reception for further information.