Preventative Care and Chronic Disease Management
Preventive Medicine
One of the ways we can achieve better health for all is by focussing time and energy on preventive care, at all stages of life. We are enthusiastic about providing our patients with as much education and medical support as they need to optimise their health. This might mean looking at lifestyle issues such as healthy diet and exercise, stress management and optimising weight, or addressing specific risks you may have due to your family or past medical history.
The doctors providing medical services at our clinic can ensure you are taking part in appropriate cancer screening programmes and receiving all recommended vaccinations, as well as keeping an eye on your risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
Targeted health assessments are available for certain groups, including people aged 45-49 with chronic disease risk factors such as lifestyle risk factors, high blood pressure or cholesterol or family history of a chronic disease.
Chronic Disease Management
According to the latest Australian data, almost half of all Australians have one of the most commonly diagnosed chronic medical conditions (such as diabetes, heart or respiratory disease, arthritis, mental health conditions and others). Many are living with more than one long-term condition.
Unsurprisingly, this takes a large toll on our health and wellbeing as individuals and as a society. Chronic conditions may not always be visible to others but can impact significantly on everyday life, creating the need to juggle multiple medicines, specialist appointments and allied health providers.
A good GP can not only diagnose and manage many chronic diseases, but also provide the support needed to coordinate a holistic, team based approach to achieve the best results for your long term health and life in general. We recognise that you need to feel heard and understood to make this work. The GPs consulting at Neighbourhood Medical are experienced in dealing with many common childhood and adult chronic conditions and are willing to learn more about rarer conditions.
When appropriate, patients can utilise Medicare funding for chronic disease management to support regular check-ups and also attendance at allied health providers.